Blog Archives

Why do I rant?

First hi to all who have found me here. I’m new to this, the blog thing that is, the ranting has actually been going on for years and years. I guess it’s my way of letting things go, because usually when I rant about something that bugs me, that’s it, it’s done, I move on with my life! Well that’s to say if my friends who over the years have been so kind considerate uhhh they think it’s often funny to keep me going when I’m mad. Come to think about it they don’t sound very friendly at all when I put it that way, but whatever.

So what’s the blog going to be about, well every I feel I suppose. So you can expect to read some genius, insightful, news worthy, mind-blowing, stupid, silly, crazy, nonsensical gibberish that I’m mad about at the moment I suppose.

Wow I can’t believe it I already have something to rant about the clock at the bottom of my post says its 4:11:38am. Is this site located in the Cayman Islands? Is there gambling on this site? I like winning money at online poker too!

Anyway, back to what I set out to do, tell you about me. I actually used to do stand up comedy for about 2 1/2 years, so I say some really crazy things without regret, just don’t get mad when you hear them, cause I warned you! 🙂  I currently have been pursuing photography. I’m working to get my website back up, but if you would like to see my work feel free:  (and no, I’m not here to promote my self, I really do rant A LOT, just ask my friends those people who think it’s funny when I’m mad!!!!) If you like the photos you can comment, just do like your mother said and if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all. Otherwise I’ll send ninjas to beat you up! Just warning you.

I have two kids, a dog, a cat, some fish, a crappy job that just pains me to go to everyday (ok it’s not that bad…..everyday, just most), I’m an Aquarian, I’m looking for a sugar daddy, I wear a size 6 shoe, I love to read, my inspection sticker for my car has been out for 11 months at the time of this writing, I always thought I was a horrible speller (that’s a word right, cause spell check doesn’t like it??) until I worked as a dispatcher for a security company and one night got bored and started reading through some of the reports from the guards out on posts (WOW is all I can say), I had no idea what emo meant until about 3 years ago when I decided to ask a friends teenage daughter, everything else is very private, so stop being so nosey.

So basically you don’t know what your gonna read till I post it, so follow me, or I’ll send ninjas to break your knee caps, oh wait, that’s mobsters, either way suits me!
